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Friday, February 1, 2019

Class war

Illustration of capital gains being taxed at the same rate as income

As a quick follow up to the last post, this article makes a good point that I alluded to but should be stressed: 'moderation' isn't necessarily the best way to get elected. It depends on the issue. The article argues that the language of class-warfare ('soak the rich!'), regardless what you think of it on the merits, does at least make for good politics. Dems just need to stop talking about 'income inequality,' an abstract concept that most people don't care about, and just talk about making rich people cough up more money. I think this is probably right, and I think it's good policy as well... so let's do it!  

Now, don't get your hopes up that it's actually going to happen.... unless we also elect a House and Senate that are also on board... a much more challenging task. But by all means, raise the battle cry!

Warren 2020

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